A Day in the Life of a Brisbane Florist


    The florist is a person who works tirelessly in the background to ensure that the wedding – or other special occasion – is supplied with the right flower arrangements, and if you have ever wondered what a typical day in the life of a Brisbane florist entails, here is a good example.

    • 07:00 hrs – Arrive at the Store – Florists might open their shop at 9 am like many other businesses, yet the modern day florist will be hard at work a few hours before that. There are many bridal samples to prepare for the clients coming to view in the afternoon, and these must be arranged in advance. There are typically many clients looking for wedding bouquets in Brisbane at any given time and the process involves several key stages, beginning with a client consultation.
    • 10:00 hrs – Wedding Consultation – The bride arrives at the florists little behind schedule (hopefully not so on the big day) and is keen to discuss the flower arrangements for her wedding with the expert. There are, of course, many different wedding flower packages in Brisbane (like anywhere else) and it is up to the client to express their preferences to the florist, who then has something to work with.
    • 12:30 hrs – Off to the Wholesalers – All wedding florists in Brisbane would spend a lot of their time at the flower wholesaler’s warehouse, where they are able to view the many different species and decide on what they require for the up and coming two day period. The ordering might be completed online, although most florists will want to examine the flowers before making a decision, and depending on what is happening over the coming weekend, the florist might place a large order.
    • 14:30 hrs – Bridal Walkthrough – The florist arrives at the wedding venue with all the Brisbane wedding bouquets and table arrangement samples already prepared and this is the one and only dress rehearsal for the big day. It is at this time that the florist must be prepared to make some amendments, depending on how the bride feels about the selection. More often than not, a few finishing touches are added, and then the florist can actually begin to prepare for the real thing, which would likely be only a day or two away.
    • 16:00 hrs – Attending a Corporate Event – It isn’t only weddings that demand a florist, and with a corporate event, the right flower arrangements are equally as important. For the first class corporate event, Brisbane bouquets are eloquently arranged to highlight the venue and the florist would be in attendance to ensure that all goes well.
    • 19:00 hrs – Arrive Back at the Store – You might think that after such a hectic day, the florist can sit back and relax a little, yet there are emails and website enquiries to attend to, after which, the florist will go through tomorrow’s schedule. Finally, before closing shop, there is a special meeting with a bride to be who couldn’t make it at any other time, and true to form, the florist will accommodate her by staying open late.

    As you can see, a typical day of a Brisbane florist doesn’t leave much time for R & R, and obviously, the summer is the peak season for a florist, as most people plan their weddings during this time. If the florist wants to take a holiday, that would likely happen in the winter, as this would be the quietest time of the year.