A Little Bit Of Fun Left Me In A Lot Of Pain


My daughter got a pair of rollerblades, and I loved watching her racing up and down the street at top speeds. We both wear the same shoe size, so she asked if I would like to try hers on and try some rollerblading myself. I eagerly took her up on that, and after just a few minutes, end up hitting the ground hard, Chicago acupuncture treatments are the only thing that helped me after many months of pain thanks to just a few minutes of fun with my daughter.

I think part of the issue is that I am overweight, and have not been good with staying in shape. I work at home, and I have little chance to get up and move around an office to interact with other workers. I no longer have a five-story flight of stairs that I need to traverse daily in order to visit here https://www.medskinclinic.co.uk/ different departments throughout every day.

Instead, I sit at my own desk about ten to twelve hours per day to work from home. I often find myself only needing to move as much as necessary to make my lunch during my work day, visit the bathroom or pick up the telephone sitting at my desk. Over time, I felt my muscles getting stiffer and my body getting heavier with each month of sitting and not taking care of my body.

The day that I tried rollerblading with my daughter, I immediately felt how stiff and unbalanced I was. But she had given me her helmet, wrist pads and knee pads, so I felt that if I did fall, I would be okay. What I didn’t count on was twisting my back and hitting the ground in a way that kept me in bed for days afterward. Help from an old chiropractic business I used to frequent and getting help from phytonutrients them finally got me up and moving again.